Model UX50 / UX100
For use with a wide range of general scientific and industrial applications the Photron Mini UX high-speed camera provides outstanding imaging performance at a very attractive price performance ratio.
1.3-Megapixel CMOS Image Sensor
1280 x 1024 pixels at 2,000fps (Mini UX50)
1280 x 800 pixels at 2,500fps (Mini UX50)
1280 x 1024 pixels at 4,000fps (Mini UX100)
1280 x 1000 pixels at 5,000fps (Mini UX100)
1280 x 800 pixels at 6,250fps (Mini UX100)
Class Leading Light Sensitivity
ISO 10,000 Monochrome
ISO 5,000 Color

1.3-Megapixel CMOS Sensor:
Mini UX50
1280 x 1024 pixels at 2,000fps
1280 x 800 pixels at 2,500fps
Mini UX100
1280 x 1024 pixels at 4,000fps
1280 x 1000 pixels at 5,000fps
1280 x 800 pixles at 6,250fps
Maximum Frame Rate:
160,000fps (Mini UX50 type 160K)
204,800fps (Mini UX100 type 200K)
800,000fps (Mini UX100 type 800K)
Class Leading Light Sensitivity:
• ISO 10,000 monochrome
• ISO 5,000 color
Global Electronic Shutter:
Minimum Shutter speed 3.9μs (to 1μs dependent on frame rate selection)
Dynamic Range (ADC):
12-bit monochrome, 36-bit color
Compact and Lightweight:
120mm (H) x 120mm (W) x 93mm (D)
4.72” (H) x 4.72” (W) x 3.66” (D)
Weight: 1.5Kg (3.13 lbs.)
Internal Recording Memory:
8GB, 16GB, or 32GB
Fast Gigabit Ethernet Interface:
Provides high-speed image download to a standard notebook/PC
Flexible Frame Synchronization:
Frame rate may be synchronized to external unstable frequencies