Model Crysta
The Photron Crysta is a high-speed polarization camera for the two-dimensional analysis of birefringence measurements, film thickness analysis, and surface roughness inspection, and is a powerful tool to understand phenomena such as birefringence, retardation, stress and impact fracture mechanisms of material and fluids.

In-process estimation of fracture surface morphology during wheel scribing of a glass sheet by high-speed photoelastic observation – (view)
Local flow around a tiny bubble under a pressure-oscillation field in a viscoelastic worm-like micellar solution – (view)
Visualization of fluctuations in internal stress distribution of work piece during ultrasonic vibration-assisted cutting – (view)
Optical sensing of sound fields: non-contact, quantitative, and single-shot imaging of sound using high-speed polarization camera – (view)
Simultaneous imaging of flow and sound using high-speed parallel phase-shifting interferometry – (view)
A development of two-dimensional birefringence distribution measurement system with a sampling rate of 1.3 MHz – (view)
High-speed phase imaging by parallel phase-shifting digital holography – (view)
Damage Detection in Transparent Materials Using Non-Contact Laser Excitation by Nano-Second Laser Ablation and High-Speed Polarization-imaging Camera – (view)