Model R3-4K and R5-4K

The FASTCAM NOVA R3-4K and R5-4K bring together unique CMOS image sensor technologies and extensive high-speed digital imaging expertise to provide a camera with the flexibility to be used in a wide variety of applications.

Available in two performance level models – FASTCAM NOVA R3-4K and R5-4K – the cameras deliver 12-bit image recording rates up to 750fps and 1,250fps respectively at 4K image resolution and 800fps and 1,440fps respectively at UHD image resolution, with shutter speeds to 2µs. Recording rates to 200,000fps are available at reduced image resolutions for the FASTCAM NOVA R5-4K.

9.4-Megapixel CMOS Image Sensor

4096 x 2304 pixels (4K) at 750fps (Model R3-4K)

4096 x 2304 pixels (4K) at 1,250fps (Model R5-4K)

3840 x 2160 pixels (UHD) at 800fps (Model R3-4K)

3840 x 2160 pixels (UHD) at 1,440fps (Model R5-4K)


Sensibilité à la lumière la plus élevée de sa catégorie

ISO 3,200 Monochrome

ISO 640 Color


Standard features of the FASTCAM NOVA R3-4K and R5-4K cameras include an internal mechanical shutter to allow remote system calibration, a high-performance 10-Gigabit Ethernet interface for camera control and high-speed image download, memory segmentation that allows recording into one memory partition while downloading from another, and compatibility with a number of industry standard lens formats to allow the use of Nikon G-Type, C-mount and Canon EF lenses. 

The FASTCAM NOVA R3-4K and R5-4K cameras also feature a sealed body design that prevents dust and corrosive particles from contaminating sensitive electronics. An optional FAST Drive SSD can be used for the download of images at up to 1GB per second. 

Intuitive and feature rich Photron FASTCAM Viewer (PFV) software is included with each FASTCAM NOVA camera. Also included is a Photron Device Control SDK that allows integration of the camera with user-specific software, and libraries for controlling the camera within a MATLAB® or LabView environment.  

9.4-Megapixel CMOS Image Sensor:
4096 x 2304 pixels (4K) at 750fps (Model R3-4K)
4096 x 2304 pixels (4K) at 1,250fps (Model R5-4k)

3840 x 2160 pixels (UHD) at 800fps (Model R3-4K)
3840 x 2160 pixels (UHD) at 1,440fps (Model R5-4k)

Maximum Frame Rate:
150,000fps (Model R3-4K)
200,000fps (Model R5-4K)

Class Leading Light Sensitivity:
• ISO 3,200 monochrome
• ISO 640 color

Global Electronic Shutter:
2μs independent of frame rate

Gamme dynamique (ADC) :
Monochrome 12 bits, couleur 36 bits

Compact and Lightweight:
120mm (H) x 120mm (W) x 223.2mm (D)
4.72” (H) x 4.72” (W) x 8.78” (D)
Weight: 3.5Kg (7.7 lbs.)

Internal Recording Memory:
16GB, 32GB, 68GB, 128GB

Stockage de données amovible haute capacité FAST Drive en option :
Solid State Drive haute vitesse de 4TB

Interface Fast 10-Gigabit Ethernet :
Permet de contrôler la caméra et de télécharger des images à grande vitesse vers un PC standard.

Fonction d'arrêt des ventilateurs :
Arrêt à distance des ventilateurs de refroidissement pour éliminer les vibrations lors de l'enregistrement à fort grossissement